*Results may vary from person to person
Jean B.
I first realized I needed help with my nutrition when, it felt like my body was not healing or feeling right anymore. All this with a host of health issues: BP above normal, sleepless nights, lack of motivation, always feeling tired, stressed, always feeling tired, etc. Despite being an active guy, my energy level was getting lower and lower each day that passed.
Being a nutritionist myself, I thought I knew what it takes to eat healthy but; sometimes one needs a second opinion especially from someone who is an expert in the field. I came to realize, help was needed and should get one sooner than later. I started looking for a natural way, less risky way to correct my health abnormalities. I found out about Firstline Nutrition online and decided to take action by going to see Richard and Pauline. I got a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) test done and the results were rather shocking to me. I asked myself, was I really this unhealthy? Right away, the staff worked me through a personalized plan so I can correct the unpleasant situation. Every step of the way, the staff have been there to help guide and keep me on the path of my program. They used the products at their disposal to build a customized program for me. During my first week into the program, I started feeling much better and my quality of life was improving day by day. After 2.5 months, I had regained my strength, alertness, my BP drug side effects were no longer there, and my sleeping patterns were much better and could not be happier and thankful for the Firstline Nutrition team. I now feel invigorated, energetic and just way better about myself I can’t thank the staff enough for sitting with me and helping me change my lifestyle and my life.
Sincerely, Jean B. MSc of Sciences, December 11, 2015.
Peter Weran
Rugby Alberta U16 Boys Head Coach
After working with Richard for a few years and seeing excellent results in having him come and speak in schools and to a few athletic teams I have coached, I asked him to come and help me at the provincial level of coaching. Richard came to work with 80 of the top male rugby athletes in the province at the U16 and U18 level, during our selection process for the provincial team that would be competing at nationals.
Richard came in to help provide our athletes with knowledge in 3 primary areas of athletics: Nutrition for training, nutrition for competition, and nutrition for recovery. Richard was able to come in and dispel a number of eating myths for our athletes and help provide them with a framework of eating that would specifically help them in athletic performance as well as general health. Richard also dispelled a number of supplementation myths as well helping many of our athletes who do use supplements understand what they do and do not need as athletes and why. The knowledge Richard gave to our athletes in many
cases either stopped their use of some supplements they did not need, or transitioned their use of supplements to those which were beneficial to them specifically as athletes.
At nationals our teams were scheduled to be playing a game every day for 5 days at a very high level. Our athletes as well as the other provinces were subjected to extensive amounts of fatigue during this tournament which could affect their ability to execute effectively on the field. Richard continued to work with us as a consultant during our time at nationals from back in Edmonton, providing us with information and support needed to allow our athletes to maintain performance. We received comments from the tournament kitchen staff about how our teams were eating the best of all the teams throughout the tournament and how impressed they were with their choices. With the help of Richard our teams began to show less fatigue and injury compared to the other provinces, and as the tournament continued we as coaches could see it in their ability to maintain a high level of play while other teams could not. Because of this both the U16 and U18 boys teams achieved a Second and Third Place Finish at nationals meddling at the same time for the first time ever. We as coaches have no doubt that Richard and First Line Nutrition played and essential role in helping us and our athletes achieve these goals and look forward to working with Richard and First Line Nutrition in the future for the benefit of our athletes.
Kendall Solbak

December 12, 2013
This past October I was able to compete on team Canada at a world DRUG FREE power lifting event in Las Vegas. I was given this opportunity because of my performance competing at the national level. I have been training under the guidance of Richard at First Line Nutrition. He has been working with me on both the nutritional requirements, as well as the training in the gym, to become a world competitive athlete.
I did suffer a minor injury at the World power lifting event that caused me to not finish my last lift. In spite of that, I did still bring home bronze medals for power lifting, dead lift, bench press, and squats. As well as a Gold medal and a world record set for Standing Press. (interestingly enough, standing press isn’t one of my usual events, I entered it last minute as something fun to do while I was there)
I’m looking forward to fine tuning my nutritional requirements, and training hard with Richard over the next year to go for gold next year. It was very exciting to represent team Canada. Through the knowledge and experience that can be found at First Line Nutrition, and the support of a loving wife, I have no doubt that I’ll be bring home the hardware for many more years to come.

March 28, 2013
I had been training for over 5 years and could never make any serious size or strength gains. Yeah, I got stronger, but only a little at a time, and it plateaued very quickly. I spent the entire time frustrated, gaining 5lbs and then losing 5lbs. Finally I had enough. I went and saw Richard and he put me on a supplements program. It was a very modest, budget minded regime, but it worked. I was up 11lbs in the first 4-5 months, and strength gain started improving fast. Within a couple years I could see the potential to compete in power-lifting, so I started training accordingly. My strength gains still were not quite what I hoped, so Richard put me on a training program and food plan to go with the supplements.That’s when I started making some real progress. I have competed twice now in the Canadian Drug Free Power lifting Association. On my first time competing, I set 2 Canadian records. One for bench press, and one for dead lifts. I have a total of 4 medals now as well.
I met Richard about 7 years ago, and since then I have gained about 45lbs of lean muscle, and have close to doubled competition lifts.
I am very grateful for Richard and how he has transformed me. I am looking forward to training with him in the future.
Richard St.Pierre

Friends don’t let friends skip leg day. 4 months with Richard and 4 months of testralin, t-alpha, carnitine, and fish oils got me here. Also combined with protein and bullnox pre-workout.
Braeden Miller
Hello fellow firstliners! My name is Braeden Miller; I am a 22 year old university student athlete, and aspiring bodybuilder. I have always had a passion for sports and fitness as I grew up playing hockey and continue to do so to this day. As of recently I have decided to take my passion for fitness to the next level, and with the help of first-line nutrition, a dream is slowly becoming a reality.
Often in today’s fitness and nutrition industry we are confronted with varying information and a lot of the time this information contradicts itself. First line was there for me when I couldn’t differentiate all this information anymore alone. When I first came to Richard, and asked for his help in preparing for a show, he enlightened me and taught me so many new concepts. My main concern in preparing for a show is bringing an aesthetic appeal to the stage. Many fitness athletes today will tear themselves down unhealthily in order to bring these desired aesthetics on the day of the show. Richard and First line nutrition have established in me that health is a number one concern and that once my body is functioning in a healthy proper manner, the results I desire will not only be achieved…they will remain and be SUSTAINED!
Coming to first line in early September of this year, I was 176 lbs. and stood at just less under 5’10. I was quite lean, as I had dieted over the summer, however much of the size that I had worked so hard to earn in earlier months had been lost during this “diet” phase. I am now 2 months into a proper regimen with first line and have steadily been increasing my muscle mass while staying lean. Never did I imagine that within such a short period of time, this amount of progress was attainable! I owe it all to the professionals of First line; Richard and Andy; who have helped me with Training, Nutrition and Supplementation.
I am more motivated then ever going into my first show, as I know First line has provided me with all the right tools. In the future I aspire to earn my pro-card and am well aware of the hard work and dedication it will take. First line has already kick started me in the right direction and for this I am very thankful.
First Line Nutrition is my first recommendation to anyone seeking to change their lifestyle for the better. This change may physical appearance or internal health, however with either option I am able to say, First Line provides Results. Science and evidence back their practices, and I have been lucky enough to see this first hand.
It is with this that I would like to thank my first line team; Richard and Andy; for everything they have done. You have set me up for nothing shy of success. I would also like to thank all those people who have supported me in my journey and continue to stand beside me such as my family and my girlfriend. I am more motivated then ever and with the help of First line, plan to make an Impact in the upcoming year!
Alex Zabiuk
Hemotropin Review:
When I first met Richard I was in the midst of a heavy Olympic lifting training phase and working 12 hour night shifts. My sleep pattern was terrible and i was lucky to get 2-3 hours of sleep during the day before waking up and being unable to get back to sleep. The sleep deprivation was starting to take a noticeable toll on my training, my work, and every aspect of my life. Richard recommended i try Hemotropin before bed and i was blown away by the result. Not only did it help me fall asleep faster but i got a very deep 8 hour sleep. Every time i take hemotropin I sleep great. I wake up feeling very relaxed and refreshed and I experienced no negative effects such as not being able to sleep without it when I ran out
*Results may vary from person to person
Athletes food review:
I’ve tried a lot of different post workout shakes but none have worked for me like athletes food. It tastes amazing, has carbs, protein and the added benefit of fruits and vegetables and it also has the amazing benefit of sitting very well in my stomach. Many similar products i had tried in the past made it difficult to eat after consuming them or made me feel nauseated, however athletes food actually settles my stomach and it has no negative effect on my appetite, making getting that all important post workout meal in a lot less difficult and more enjoyable.
I fully stand behind Firstline nutrition and feel that Richard provides sound advice based on extensive knowledge and values his customers. He often includes free samples of more great products as a way of showing his appreciation for return customers.
Andrew Eastman

About six months ago a friend of mine told me he went to First Line Nutrition to check it out, he said he was able to try the protein he bought before buying it which made me want to go check FLN too because somehow I always buy gross protein. I went, and just like my friend said I was able to taste the protein before buying it and found one that I really liked! I bought one five pound tub of the protein and started seeing results right away in my muscle strength, size and definition! After finishing that tub I was hooked and keep going back to FLN for my workout supplements. My friends and family have noticed a big difference in my physique and I recommend anyone and everyone looking to live a healthy lifestyle go check this place out !
Morgan Anderson
I was struggling with losing weight and having problems with digestion. I went to medi centres and got tested twice in two years for celiac, IBS and chrons finding negative results. Firstline nutrition has not only corrected my digestive problems they continue to assist me with my weight loss goals. Firstline Nutrition has guided me with fitness plans, bio tests and diet to individualize my needs. With out them I wouldn’t have seen the same results on my own and I look forward to my future goals.
Thomas Winter
After running into a couple of old high school friends and seeing their success in the gym, I was shocked. I wanted to know if they had done anything different in their routine. They all said Firstline Nutrition. I came to Firstline a week ago wanting to get my nutrition in line. I have always been active, played lots of Rugby for most my life, and train very hard. But the one thing that held me back was my nutrition. I had always taken supplements when training, however, I wasn’t seeing results. Richard and Pauline sat me down and we got a plan of attack together. Overall, I was healthy but I had a few unknown factors, the ones I was most concerned about was my digestion and my energy levels. Not even a week of taking my supplements and sticking to my nutrition did I start feeling a change for the better, and I love it. I feel less fatigued and have much more energy. Richard and Pauline are extremely knowledgeable, and they know their products inside and out, and their support to their clients is outstanding. The most exciting feeling is knowing that I am finally going to reach my full potential as an athlete. I have recommended Firstline to many of my team mates and family and will continue to do so
Tiffany Simpson
I first came to Richard and Pauline a year and a half ago after becoming frustrated with trying to find a doctor that was taking new patients or even just one that would take the time and listen to me and answer any questions to my satisfaction. Several years before I had was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, had the first of three surgeries on my knees and been in a major car accident. After years of trying different medications and and going to see numerous specialists, I found myself in more pain, even more fatigued and with a whole new list of symptoms from the different medications that I didn’t have before. I felt that I was being fit to a pill and that I was looked at as just another patient and not an individual.
I found that Firstline Nutrition had a totally different approach to looking at my health and what I specifically needed. Both Richard and Pauline have provided knowledgeable and personal care tailored to me. Richard and Pauline took the time to talk with me about what I was experiencing and then came up with a program that fit. Since I have started taking the supplements I have found the quality of my life improve with the reduction of pain and stiffness as well as improving my sleep and mood, especially during the winter. The supplements I have been taking don’t just mask the symptoms but have helped eliminate and manage the causes of the pain and fatigue. For the first time in seven years I find myself having hope about the quality of my future and health thanks to Pauline and Richards knowledge and exceptional help. I believe in the quality of the supplements and information so much that I recommended First Line Nutrition to both my parents, who are now enjoying the benefits.
Maggie Koh
Almost one year ago, I had to take a 3 month leave of absence from work due to debilitating back pain. It was so painful that it prevented me from getting out of bed. I was prescribed strong painkillers that were creating side effects on top of everything. When my Doctor said “you are fat”, it really hit home for me. That is when I decided to change my life. I went to see Pauline and Richard at Firstline Nutrition, and they have given me so much support. Pauline helped to target the nutrients I needed to support my health goals, and Richard started me on his treadmill program. Within one year, I have lost 50 lbs! I went from Size 18 to a single digit size 8! My friends on facebook who haven’t seen me in a while can’t believe how young I look. But, more importantly, I can’t believe how young I feel! Thank you, Richard and Pauline, for your support and knowledge!
Richard Mandal
Hemotropin Testimonial: My name is Richard Mandai. l’m a 43 year old avid fitness hobbyist. Upon turning 43 this year, I decided to try one of those Aging and Wellness programs. Extensive blood tests were taken prior to deciding what kind of supplement and treatment program would be instituted for me. Among the results, it was noted my IGF-1 -one of the major hormones that determine GH levels- was elevated for my age. It was 279! It was determined that my levels were elevated due a combination of a good diet, rest, use of compound exercises and use of Nutrabolics Hemotropin. Since then, Hemotropin has been my number one supplement to maintain my high GH levels.
Brian Ross
I, Brian Ross started coming to First Line Nutrition on may 2011 originally asking about a fat burner to speed up my weight loss. Even more considering I had the vertical gastric sleeve on October 2010 and at that time I had 145 lbs* gone and also got talking to them about a good protein powder. And after a bit of time me and Richard and Pauline started talking about the First Line Nutrition program and I decided to give it a try for a month to see how it would work. After 3 days I started feeling even better and on learning how to change the diet after the gallbladder came out on April 2011. Since following the First Line and doing body detoxes the liver and kidneys are working better and blood sugar is perfect. Weight loss is now at 163 lbs* gone, and muscle tone has improved. I am losing inches more than weight. – Brian Ross
On this date above I still continued to lose weight but mostly inches with working on internal health and had reached a point where the total weight loss of 183 lbs*. I hit a point where I was in a stage of excess skin that had to be surgically removed in Guadalajara Mexico where I had 13.2lbs removed from the stomach and chest area making the total weight loss 196 lbs* in total. Since having the plastic surgery 6 weeks ago I am back in the program with First Line Nutrition to help with overall healing from the surgery and will still continue. Also if anyone wants to contact me they can through First Line Nutrition.
Nick Penner
Being a professional MMA fighter, Nutrition is a key ingredient to a successful training camp. I’ve had many problems with blood sugar management and my nutrition. Diabetes runs in my family and so I’ve had to be that much more diligent to keep it all in balance. Since coming to Firstline Nutrition, the Health Care Practitioners have helped to keep my health in line and I’ve been able to reach higher Potentials in my training camps than otherwise. Some of the services I had done were body mass Indexing, Biomeridian Assessment and Nutrition planning. Before working with Firstline I was a supplement enthusiast but not receiving the results I wanted. My health now is better overall and my weight has dropped to a weight class that I can fight in. When your health is out of balance, it’s a struggle to maintain energy levels and especially difficult when you have to perform. Firstline Nutrition helped me create that power potential! needed to bring everything to a higher level. SIGNED (Nick Penner)
During training camp, it’s quite normal to get sick. This time around was much different. I was bed ridden for days. I decided to give Richard a call to see if there was anything he could do for me, seeing as I was only 5 weeks out of a fight. Two days after seeing him I was back at it, and on the third day I was a training machine. I’ve never seen or heard of results like that. It’s good to know that I can always count on First Line to bump me back up when training isn’t going as it should.
SIGNED (Nick Penner)
I first realized I needed help with my nutrition, when, it felt like my body was not healing or feeling right anymore. I was and, still am very active person in both my job and in sports, but I was overweight and didn’t know how to change. I knew what a good diet looked like but any time I went on a diet I ended up in a drive thru days into it. I needed help. That’s when I walked through the doors at Firstline Nutrition. We first did a Bio-meridian test. The results shocked me. Was I really that unhealthy. I then sat down with the staff and built a plan of attack. They showed me step by step how to change my lifestyle. Every step of the way the staff have been there to help guide and keep me on the path of my program. They have used the products at there disposal to build a program suited for me, my tin1e restrictions, and my needs. Since the day I have walked through the door I have lost 35 lbs. Several inches, and gain energy. I feel invigorated, energetic and just way better about myself I can’t thank the staff enough for sitting with me and helping me change my lifestyle and my life. Sincerely, Darren
Scott Craig
Not only has First Line and it’s staff helped me meet and exceed my goals, they have also taught me how to protect and nourish my body. I would recommend that anyone preparing for an event or simply wanting to live a healthier lifestyle visit First Line Nutrition and see Richard and Pauline.
Personal Testimonial of Scott Craig: Approximately 6 months ago I approached Richard and his staff looking for assistance to burn body fat and gain more energy. Instead of walking out of his store with a couple of products, I walked out with a plan, regiment and education that has changed my entire life. I was running recreationally at the time and not experiencing much success. The program First Line Nutrition put me on not only helped me reach my goals but exceed them greatly. I have more energy than I know what to do with and feel better about myself than I ever have my whole life. I ran my first half marathon on October gth and came in way under my goal time. My recovery time is one of the best parts of the program. 24 hours after my half marathon I was swinging from a rope and zip-line obstacle course near Revelstoke, British Columbia. I easi ly kept up to my 16 year old daughter. I will run a few more half marathons in preparation for a full marathon next summer/fall. I know with hard work, determination and the continued guidance of First Line Nutrition I will succeed and excel. My body, joints and mind have benefitted greatly from their knowledge and expertise. Once sore muscles and joints have been replaced by a strong, fit body ready to take on the next challenge. I was able to climb Mount Temple in July with ease and excess energy at the end of the day! My experience with First Line Nutrition has changed my health, fitness and life so profoundly that I am getting my 63 year old Mom onboard. She has health challenges and is facing a knee replacement surgery soon. I know through me with the aid of First Line Nutrition’s staff knowledge and guidance she will recover and life a much more full life. I send out a sincere Thanks to First Line Nutrition for their continued support and assistance with helping me reach and exceed my goals!!
Jean Blanchette
My name is Jean Blanchette Member of team Canada as a paddler. As a athlete on a world level I need 3 major key , to succeed. right coaching , hard training , and perfect supplement , for that part I use first line nutrition and their staff to oriented me in the right direction , they have the perfect balance of technologies and human approaches to bring you to the next level ,In preparation for my second world championship who will happen in Brazil I know I will reach my goal if I got the right team with me and first line nutrition is a big part of it.