Fall Is The Perfect Time To Bring Back Healthy Habits

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Summer has a certain recklessness about it. Routines are thrown out the window as school ends, work becomes more flexible, and meals are taken casually as a picnic while the sun sets. It’s liberating to let go and soak in the extra freedom of longer days and warmer temperatures.

As summer ends, it’s time to refocus on your health. Firstline Nutrition is Edmonton’s premier supplements store, and we’re ready to help you with all the support you’ll need to make wellness a priority this fall.

Start by making a few small changes with our step-by-step guide, then drop by our convenient location on 23rd and we’ll fine-tune your routine to help you hit all your goals.

Intentional eating

When summer coolers are packed with alcoholic beverages and unhealthy snacks, it’s easy to eat mindlessly. Get back on track by loading up at farmers’ markets and making a plan for incorporating fresh ingredients and healthy meals daily. 

A simple trick to avoid convenience foods is to spend some time meal planning. Sketch out what you’ll eat and create a menu with overlapping ingredients to simplify shopping. Using a list means you’ll also avoid impulsive purchases at the grocery store that won’t help you meet your goals.  

Intentional eating can also mean branching out to try new foods and incorporate vegetarian meals. Challenge yourself to choose a vegetable you’ve never tried or find healthy alternatives to reduce your consumption of meat. Prep your produce in bulk so that it’s easy to make good choices when the urge to snack strikes.

Getting good sleep

Sleep is essential to good health, but particularly as we age, it becomes elusive for many adults. It’s important to maintain a healthy evening routine that includes unplugging from devices and finding mindful ways to relax and unwind. 

At Firstline Nutrition, we’ll discuss your individual needs and identify supplements that can help you achieve better quality sleep. Melatonin, magnesium, lavender aromatherapy, and valerian root are just some of the options we offer to improve sleep. 

Before your body has to shift out of daylight savings time, make sure you’re set up with a sleep routine and supplementation that encourages restful nights.

Winter immunity

The past couple of years have been particularly challenging for our immunity, but increased time indoors has always made winter a primetime for the circulation of viruses. Focus on boosting your immunity now so that your body’s defences are prepared.

Most Canadians don’t get enough vitamin D, which is essential for bones and teeth but also plays a key role in immunity. Firstline offers simple testing that uses a dried blood spot to accurately measure vitamin D before you’re faced with such concerns as anxiety, cancer, or heart issues. The best source is exposure to sunshine, so it’s vital to take a daily supplement in the winter months to ensure optimal levels.

Stocking up on vitamin C and zinc can also keep your immune system primed and ready. Eating a variety of nourishing foods might not be enough to achieve adequate levels of these and other nutrients. Talk to us about adding a high quality daily vitamin support to your routine as added insurance that your body has what it needs for optimal health.

Staying active

Move your body! The summer months bring most people outdoors, when it’s easier to walk or bike, and generally stay active. Build exercise into your fall and winter routine by joining a group class, buying a gym membership, or finding a winter sport that you’re excited to do. 

Firstline Nutrition specializes in pre- and post-workout nutritional support to keep you energized and help build muscle. Our protein powder tasting bar also makes it easy to try before you buy, ensuring you’ll leave our store with something you love.


If you’re looking for a way to reset your routine, consider a detoxification program. Firstline offers support for a variety of detox plans to suit your individual goals. Whether you’re focused on weight loss, eliminating allergens, or supporting organ function, we have the right supplements and guidance to get you started.

Look forward to fall

Don’t wait for new year’s resolutions that are likely to fail. The path to good health is about taking incremental steps and building on them regularly. In the Edmonton area, Firstline Nutrition’s health clinic can help you get back on track or build towards new goals.

The end of summer means new opportunities to focus on ourselves. Make this your healthiest year yet by visiting Firstline Nutrition in Edmonton’s central core for all of the support you need to look and feel your very best.

About Firstline Nutrition

Health practitioners who have years of experience in the natural medicine field. We provide health supplements and vitamins to support healthy living. Our articles are researched and talk about the products we carry.

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